Creating and Modifying Data and Tables#


  • Create new tables and edit existing records

Key Points#

  • Use CREATE and DROP to create and delete tables.

  • Use INSERT to add data.

  • Use UPDATE to modify existing data.

  • Use DELETE to remove data.

  • It is simpler and safer to modify data when every record has a unique primary key.

  • Do not create dangling references by deleting records that other records refer to.


So far, we’ve only gotten information out of our database, but we want to also be able to edit the data, as well.

We’ll start by creating a new table with CREATE TABLE. Each table has a schema with which it was created. The command below creates a blank table.

CREATE TABLE Extra(name text, minutes integer, measure real);

The fields in our new table will have different data types specified after the name of the field. text fields take character values. integer fields consist of positive and negative whole numbers (and 0). real fields contain numerical values with decimal points. There are also BLOB fields, which stand for binary large objects, such as an image.

If you check .schema we can see our new table here.

CREATE TABLE Person (id text, personal text, family text);
CREATE TABLE Site (name text, lat real, long real);
CREATE TABLE Survey (taken integer, person text, quant text, reading real);
CREATE TABLE Visited (id integer, site text, dated text);
CREATE TABLE Extra(name text, minutes integer, measure real);


To remove a table, we can use DROP TABLE.

CREATE TABLE Person (id text, personal text, family text);
CREATE TABLE Site (name text, lat real, long real);
CREATE TABLE Survey (taken integer, person text, quant text, reading real);
CREATE TABLE Visited (id integer, site text, dated text);

Make sure when you’re deleting data that you’re not removing primary keys that other references depend on. Also make sure to back up your database if there are files you would like to keep.

Primary keys#

When creating a table, we can also specify a field to be a primary key.

CREATE TABLE Extra(name text, minutes integer, measure real
primary key (name));

Editing tables#

We can also add a row to a table too with INSERT INTO.

INSERT INTO SITE (name, lat, long) VALUES ('DR-5', -49.85, -128.57);

We can take values from one table and put them into another table, as well.

CREATE TABLE JustLatLong (lat real, long real);

INSERT INTO JustLatLon SELECT lat, long FROM Site;

We can modify values with UPDATE and SET. One way to do this is with conditions. Don’t forget to include WHERE, else you will update all values.

UPDATE Site SET lat=-47.87, long=-122.0 WHERE name='DR-5';

It can be a good idea to use a filter to check your query before running UPDATE to avoid modifying the database in unwanted ways.

We can use DELETE to delete rows in a similar way. Make sure records you delete are not referred to by other tables.

DELETE FROM Person WHERE id='danforth';