
Linking together programs is why Unix has been so successful. Now, we improve productivity through automation – with loops! All those commands we have learned will be put to use.

Questions to think about:#

  • How can I perform the same actions on many different files?

Loop Structure#

Here is some pseudo-code showing the basic syntax of a for loop in bash.

$ for thing in list_of_things
> do
>     my_command $thing
> done
  • list_of_things is some collection, like a group of files

  • thing is a variable name we assign to each file, one at a time

  • The actions we do in the loop is between the keywords do and done and tabbed over

  • We use some command and refer to the variable thing with a leading $

Loop Examples#

The following for loop lists the contents of working directory one item at a time.

$ for itemname in *
> do
>     ls $itemname
> done

Here we grab the first two lines of 3 data files.

$ cd Desktop/data-shell/creatures
$ for filename in basilisk.dat minotaur.dat unicorn.dat
> do
>     head -n 2 $filename
> done

We can make changes to files within loops, as well.

$ cd Desktop/data-shell/creatures
$ for filename in basilisk.dat minotaur.dat unicorn.dat
> do
>    head -n 2 $filename >> all.pdb
> done

Repeat running a program with all your input data files#

Nell has files NENE00000A.txt and NENE00000B.txt that need needs to run through the program goostats one at a time. The program goostats has two arguments, the input data file, and the output statistics file.

$ cd ../north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03
$ for datafile in NENE*[AB].txt
> do
>    bash goostats $datafile stats-$datafile   #where stats-$datafile is the output of goostats program.
>    echo output: stats-$datafile
> done

Checking on your loop before you run it!#

It can be a good idea to run your loop with echo in front of you commands, to make sure it will act the way you believe. For example, in the loop above you may want to first run echo "bash goostats $datafile stats-$datafile" before you run the loop to execute the goostats program.

Nested Loops Challenge!#

What does this do?

$ for species in cubane ethane methane
> do
>     for temperature in 25 30 37 40
>     do
>         mkdir $species-$temperature
>     done
> done


This lesson is adapted from The Unix Shell on Software Carpentry.