Searching and finding#


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Questions to think about:#

How can we find files? How can we find things in files?

Commands of the Day#

  • grep is a contraction of global/regular expression/print. It finds and prints lines in files that match a pattern.

    • regular expressions are patterns that can include wildcards

    • Usage: grep pattern filename

    • grep -w limits to word boundaries

    • grep -n prints the line numbers that match

    • grep -i makes search case-insensitive

    • grep -v inverts the search to output that does not contain the pattern

    • grep -E notes that the pattern is an extended regular expression that can contain wildcards

  • find command finds files!

    • -type d or f for directories or files

    • -name matches a name, but look out for order of execution! Filenames with wildcards need quotes. For example, find . -name "*.txt"

  • $() to combine commands. Code inside this runs first!

    • For example, wc -l $(find . -name "*.txt")


This lesson is adapted from The Unix Shell on Software Carpentry.